Best Times to Visit Tanzania

Tanzania can be visited all year round, but the coolest and driest time is from June to September, which is viewed as the high season, especially for game viewing. This time is also the best trekking conditions on Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru. Hotels and lodges during this time are at their fullest.

The short rains in October and November makes for a pleasant visit as there are fewer crowds and the landscape is becoming greener.

Visitors will experience high temperatures from December until February. High season rates are charged around the Christmas and New Year holidays. This is also an excellent time to view the annual migration whilst visiting Serengeti National Park.

The long rains fall from March to May making it difficult to access some of the national parks and game reserves. A few of the smaller and more exclusive lodges and hotels in the national parks and game reserves are closed for a month during this period, in order for staff to take leave and for maintenance. During this time Zanzibar and the mainland coast is heavy with humidity and the insects can be intolerable. This may not be the best time to visit but this is when accommodation is offered at discounted prices (green season rates).

When planning your Tanzania itinerary remember the following best times to visit:

Northern Tanzania: July to March
Southern Tanzania: June to March
Zanzibar and the coast: June to March
Western Tanzania: May to March